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continuous problems with masks 1

#1 joes
I wonder if there are more users that have problems using masks 1.

I open a sequence, get the remark that 'we assume' (not me) we like to render with masks 2.
If not, go to preferences, choose for masks 1 and restart.

Fine. done. More than ten times, still every time that masks 2 version is active.
I have bought the pro-version yesterday, but that doesn't make any difference.

Is it so incredibly difficult to have a possibility in the preferences to set the masks version to 1 of 2? Permanent?

Have waited more than one hour rendering a file with northern light. The preview is fine and smooth. The rendered version is just sh*t.

Am I the only one that is so stupid not to be able to keep that masks version 1 permanent?
Have lost so much precious time. Very much disappointed so far, only because of this masks problem. I am stuck.
I know I can go to a monthly payment. But I know I don't have to. I have a version that lasts 'forever'. No support anymore. But I don't care about that.
My old LR works fine. Maybe there will be things I cannot do. Now or in the future. Fine, so be it. I am not a professional movie maker. I love taking pictures and timelapses of light at night. That's all.

Solution? Make the masks version choice a permanent setting in the preferences. Problem solved.
Probably not only my problem.

Thank you.
#2 Gunther
As soon as you load a sequence that has been edited in Masks 2.0, LRTimelapse will switch to the new version.
Obviously you already have initialized one ore more of the sequences with the current masks version, that's why LRT assumes you are on a current Lightroom and does the switch.

A 10 year old Lightroom is not something I recommend using. It's slow, the develop engine is far worse and I cannot test LRTimelapse anymore with that, that's why "Masks 1.0" is an unsupported feature in LRT 7 and yes, there might be issues. I can't test it, I'm sorry.

To fix your issue you might try to Clear Metadata for the sequence (and any others you might have already initialized with masks 2.0). Then, before loading/initializing them again, set the Masks Version to 1.0, restart LRT.
Now loading those fresh sequences, shouldn't trigger the switch.
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#3 joes
Thank you, will give it one more try. Your answer this time explains a bit more why I get the message that I have used a later version of something. That's about the masks setting from LRT. Not from LR. Got that.
Hope that I can keep the good things going.
For the second time I have worked with a NT-1 in the field, panning back and forth a bit with the live application. Tried different intervals up to 20 sec with an exposure of 5 seconds. With a 20mm it more or less works. With a 35mm or longer, I presume the intervals will have to be significantly shorter.
Still love to be outside at night. Looking and listening.
Thank too for the explanation video about how to correct a tilting horizon. Afraid I need that one.
Have fun. And clear skies.

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