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ControlMyCamera problem with Nikon D850

#1 VanCrab
Hello All,

I am using Wi-Fi connection to control D850, everything is good except:
1, Cannot use RAW+JPEG small size, only work with large size. When using small size, the image will not display.
2, Some times about 70% of the image displayed in tablet is just grey. This will affect the luminance calculation and make the whole sequence unusable.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Attached Files
#2 Gunther
I've never experience problems with qDlsrDashboard an the 850 - and also I always shoot in Raw+Smallest JPG.
You should try to narrow down what's going on there. You might want to contact the developer of qDDB, because it seems to be rather a technical issue. Contact him via dslrdashboard.info
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