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Could not save transitions

#1 billklipp@wkimages.net
All of a sudden I started to get errors when using LR Time lapse (6.5.2) on my windows 11 PC.
I was processing Jpegs from a Go Pro. After I adjust the key frames in Lightroom Classic and reload to LR Timelapse then I click Auto Transitions all is good but when I hit save I get an error that say "Could Note Write XMP-Metadata for 474 files Please check your logfile" I have uninstalled the program and reinstalled it fresh still get this error. I have been using the program successfully for many years
Attached Files
#2 Gunther
Hi Bill,
the log tells you the error:
Quote:XMP Data is too big to be saved into a JPG. Please use less edits (especially brushs will blow up the XMP) and shoot in RAW next time.

The thing is, that if you do loads of sophisticated edits in Lightroom that take a lot of space in the xmp (for example brushes, where every stroke and coordinates needs to be saved) the XMP will get too big and cannot be saved inside the JPG then anymore. With JPG unfortunately, the XMP data needs to be saved in the JPG file itself (as opposed to Raw Files, where the XMP files are being stored as Sidecar Files - that's by Adobe's design).

So if you would like to work with JPGs, you need to be very frugal with such edits that store coordinates. The normal slider edits are no problem.
I'd suggest to start over via "Metadata / Initialize" and redo the editing with out the extensive brushing / stamping or whatever you did.

PS: Posting in the forum is enough, please don't send the same question in parallel as email. Thanks.
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