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Deflicker Button Greyed Out (LRT 7.1 beta 4)

#1 tobytimelapse
Hi there,

I'm mostly processing very large sequences circa 10-20k images, and always shoot in JPG.

I'm having trouble with the new workflow.

I've loaded a sequence, done my keyframes, edited in Lightroom and come back to LRT to do auto transition, deflicker and then save... However, after i do auto transition - it seems as though i'm forced to do visual previews before I can deflicker ('visual deflicker').

Is this new?

I rarely need to create visual previews and even when i've tried to do it on a large sequence it takes a long time and eventually freezes about a quarter of the way through.

I really liked the old workflow where one could get through the workflow quickly without having to manually turn on/off visual previews

Any help is appreciated. Thanks Gunter

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#2 Gunther
In LRT7 the more powerful visual deflicker works for JPGs also. That's why the visual preview generation is required.
Usually there should be np problems generating them. If the process gets stuck, we should troubleshoot that. Start by reducing the number of parallel processes for Visual Preview generation in the Settings / Expert settings. Lower them by 2 and check if it works better. If not, lower by another 2.
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#3 tobytimelapse
Thanks for your response Gunther (and apologies for spelling your name wrong in my post).
I'll give this a try and see if it helps.
Are you saying that the previous deflicker option (ie done without having to create visual previews) is no longer available?
#4 Gunther
Yes the simple deflicker is not available anymore in LRT7 because it was never as accurate, given that it used the undeveloped camera previews as a reference. I had only left it in LRT6 for JPGs because at that time, Visual Previews didn't work for JPGs.
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