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deshake raw's on mac?

#1 Norbert_BT
My fault - obviously I forget to switch of the IS (Image Stabilizer) while recording time lapse.
I guess its of automaticly when autofocus is of, but obviously not.
So the sequence is shaky a view pixel in any direction.
(the cam was steady fixed on a tripod without moving)

I did read some deshaker solutions on video level,
but nothing on photo level.

My question is:
Is there a possible workflow to deshake direct on 'raw-XMP files' on a mac?
(maybe on LR, Bridge, or PS)

#2 Gunther
Normally I throw away such sequences. If you can't capture it again you can try the Warp Stabilizer of After Effects, it sometimes gives good results. But you don't have a guarantee...
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#3 Norbert_BT
(2012-07-23, 16:20)gwegner Wrote: Normally I throw away such sequences. If you can't capture it again you can try the Warp Stabilizer of After Effects, it sometimes gives good results. But you don't have a guarantee...

Thanks for quick reply!

...also check out: