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DIY Slider - Publication

#1 JoJ123
3 months ago, I've started to build my own slider + Pan&Tilt module

I've published the project on GitHub:

The hardware is done with material from "OpenBuilds". The Pan & Tilt module is based on a steel plate, that I've let lasered on a local store.

Software is running on an ESP32 in a housing together with the stepper drivers.

The software itself is based on the library "DFMoCo". I've migrated this one for the ESP32, added Bluetooth support and a Timelapse / Panorama function. As the controller is based on DFMoCo, you can also use it with Dragonframe.

There is also the source code for an Android App available, still Beta Wink

I have one question:
I have done some sample shots and facing some lagging / parallaxe issues.

Try 1: Slider only

Try 2: Slider & Pan
Try 2: Slider & Pan Crop one the bird house

On the first try there is no lag at all, at the second try there is something like a pulsing on the sheeps and the flowers (CROP). What could that be?
The camera is centerred in the nodal point of the lense in the rotary axis.


...also check out: