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Drag to Lightroom? Huh?

#1 larrygatz
I have LTLightroom 4.7.6 and Lightroom CC...not new to Lightroom.
I can see my files via Lightroom to Import to Lightroom...but I understand the procedure while in LtLightroom, Basic Workflow tab, select all and "Drag to Lightroom!"
The Drag to Lightroom button even says to "Drag the button into Lightroom-Library to add the sequence to the catalog".


Drag the button? And where in Lightroom Library? this makes little sense.  Would it not be easier to simply import into Lightroom, make file adjustments as necessary and then point LTLightroom at the folder?

Perhaps I don't understand the underlying issue here...but bottom line is I can't "Drag to Lightroom".

Very disappointed and frustrated with LTLightroom at this point.

Larry Gatz
#2 Gunther
To drag, you just click on the button named "Drag to Lightroom", hold the mouse and move it to Lightroom, while the Library is active (won't work in develop module). Now you release the mouse button while hovering over the Lightroom window. This will bring up the import dialog with the correct folder.

If the Lightroom window is hidden, you can hover with the mousebutton (while holding it) over the Lightroom symbol in the Taskbar, wait a moment until Lightroom comes to front and then release the mouse over the Lightroom window.

Of course you can use "Import" directly in Lightroom, but then you will have to manually browse for the folder. It's just a shortcut for your convenience.
When importing always make sure to have the import dialog in "Add" mode (selection at the top).

A good starting point for learning LRTimelapse are my tutorials since I show the whole process there: https://lrtimelapse.com/tutorial
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