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#1 stefgodin

I want to know if it is possible to add Spot Removal tool informations on LRT preview ?
In fact, when you remove sensor dust in lightroom with Spot Removal tool, sometimes artifact appears because of a moving subject (a moving clone source.)
You need to do not apply same source for a dust on all frames.
If you can add Spot Removal tool area informations on LRT preview it should be easy to look closely to the spots...

Thanks !

#2 Gunther
The LRTimelapse preview only has limited resolution for fast performance.
If you want to do dust removal on single images, please do this in Lightroom at the end of the workflow, after loading metadata for all image into lightroom, right before you export vial LRTExport!
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#3 stefgodin
Yes but I just want to know if it is possible to have dot informations on LRT preview as we can see in lightroom windows...
Attached Files
#4 Gunther
No, that's not possible, sorry.
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#5 stefgodin
Ok thank you.

Do you think it's possible to have a zooming option in the LRT preview windows ?
(If I choose my full DSLR pixel size in preview dimension in LRT preview setting can I zoom then at 100% in the preview windows ?)

Thanks !
#6 Gunther
You might
a) drag the separator between the left panel with the preview and tree and the right panel with the table to the right to enlarge the preview.
b) you can click on the button on the top left (right under the file menu) to undock the preview, then it will get bigger too.
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#7 Christophe
(2015-07-22, 16:33)gwegner Wrote: The LRTimelapse preview only has limited resolution for fast performance.
If you want to do dust removal on single images, please do this in Lightroom at the end of the workflow, after loading metadata for all image into lightroom, right before you export vial LRTExport!

Hi Gunther,

Really enjoying LRT 4 Pro. Super smooth transitions! Can't wait to share with you the final project in a few months.

About your answer: after this final dust spot removal step in LR, do you save the metadata to the files again before exporting?

#8 Gunther
No, there is no need to doing so. But the changes will then be only in the lightroom catalog.
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