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#1 Lapsefinger
[font=Arial][size=medium]This one goes to Gunther:

Can you tell us the most important codec settings that are applied in normal, HQ and UHQ export templates? Bitrate, Key frame frequency, B-frames, deboxing etc.

The reason why I'm asking, is that I have a few clips with gray, low-contrast areas with very little detail, and they are any codec's worst nightmare. HQ doesn't handle it very well, but UHQ does. (So the problem is basically solved...)

I've been working with xvid a bit, and adding a B-frame or three makes a huge difference, but also produces larger files.
#2 Gunther
I'm currently working on pro-grade templates with even higher bitrates and better quality, stay tuned.
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#3 Gunther
The new PRO templates are available:
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#4 bfreeman
This should be nice as I would really want to start with my short clips and publish them as a sort of full blown movie. The only problem hindering me before was setting it up properly so that there would be no problem with jacking it up like good.

Thanks for this and it is a great help, as always!

...also check out: