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Export stopped when exporting in parallel

#1 Thomas Markert

I had some trouble with the export in LR that most of my timelapses were not complete after first export. To reduce time for export I exported the timelapse in 2 parts. Now I realised that LR stops exporting all exports when the first one is finished.
I have this failure only using LRTimelapse export function, using LR export to disc I can export 6 packages in paralllel and all finish complete.
Sounds like a bug to me in the LRTimelapse export function?!?

#2 Gunther
I can't reproduce this, could you please restart Lightroom and try again? Let me know, if you can reproduce it.
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#3 Thomas Markert
unfortunately I can reproduce this error everytime I export with the export plugin. I always choose the option to not render in LRTimelapse as I do it in different program.
#4 Gunther
The only case where I could imagine, this could happen would be, if you use the same folder names. So for example one timelapse would be located in /morning/timelapse and another in /evening/timelapse then because of the inside folder being called "timelapse" for both, the exporter would export into the same folder.

BTW: Which version of Lightroom are you using? Which version of LRTimelapse? Which version of the LRTExport Plugin (check Lightroom's Plugin manager).

Then: if it aborts, check the log file in your documents folder, it's called "LRTExport.log", send it to support (at) lrtimelapse (dot) com.
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#5 Thomas Markert
Of course I do that, as I split my timelapses into two parts for exporting them faster I export with bith threads into the same folder...
#6 Gunther
do you use the advanced feature in LRTExport to set the initial sequence number of the second part to the right number (number of images in the first part + 1) ?

It's hard to help you, if you do not tell me what exactly you are doing. I still do not know about the versions you are using and your log file like asked in my last answer.
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Sad --> About Export Error
2019-08-17, 18:52
Last Post: Gunther

...also check out: