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#1 mwilson
Hey! I am new to time-lapse and editing and do not have After Affects Software. All I have it the basic stuff that comes on a Mac (iMovie and iPhoto) and Lr Time Lapse.

My question is, how do I take the time lapse I created in Lr and export it?

I want to add audio and some slides before and after the video explaining what I did and how long it took.

Generally I do this in iMovie, but when I save the file in Lr Time Lapse, I do not see a file name saved to my computer or know where to look to find it.

Anyone know how to help?

#2 Gunther
Hi, you will need at least Lightroom to render the video - please see the workflow instructions here and watch my tutorial.
LRTimelapse only makes the edits - you need a processor for the XMP-Files - usually Lightroom or Adobe Camera RAW to develop them and make the final video!
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#3 mwilson
(2012-06-20, 18:49)gwegner Wrote: Hi, you will need at least Lightroom to render the video - please see the workflow instructions here and watch my tutorial.
LRTimelapse only makes the edits - you need a processor for the XMP-Files - usually Lightroom or Adobe Camera RAW to develop them and make the final video!

Okay! I actually know someone who has Lightroom so I will give it a try and watch your video as well! Thanks for the help!
#4 Gunther
Or you could simply download the trial version from Adobe!
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#5 mwilson
(2012-06-22, 07:48)gwegner Wrote: Or you could simply download the trial version from Adobe!

He actually has a business package, so i now have the software on my computer! Thanks for the help, your tutorial and site has helped a lot!

...also check out: