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LRTL Window goes wonky

#11 Dana Nield
That did it! Working perfectly now!

#12 Oli_T
Did you manage to find a solution to this problem? I am also having the same issue. Wherever the mouse moves a new window and image will appear at the pointer. It makes it impossible to use LRTimelapse because you cannot see what you are clicking.

#13 Gunther
This ist very strange. Maybe it's an incompatibility with something on your computer and the Java version installed.
If you have already installed the latest Java 8, you might try using Java 7 instead.
For this, please uninstall everything related to java, then install the latest Java 7 (jre-7u80-windows-x64.exe) from this page: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/j...80261.html
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#14 Oli_T
I uninstalled Java from my system then installed the version of Java you recommended. 

Just opened LRTimelapse and before I could even select Keyframes Wizard this happens:


#15 Gunther
At least it was worth trying. Again, this seems to be an incompatibility with your video driver or something else on your system and java. Did you update the video driver?
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Attached Files
#16 Oli_T
Hi there, 

Yes my video driver is the latest version. 

I tried what you recommended and added what you said. 

Unfortunately the problem still persists. I managed to create key-frames this time and then edited in Lightroom for about 20 mins. Reloaded the meta-data then when I clicked the auto-transitions button the Java error message appeared againSad

#17 Gunther
Just guessing - could it be a virus scanner interfering?
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#18 Oli_T
I have Avira free anti-virus installed. How am I supposed to get around this?
#19 Gunther
Try to temporarily disable it and check, if the problems go away. If so, try to define an exception for LRTimelapse and Exiftool (both in LRTimelapse program directory) in the Settings of the virus scanner.
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#20 Gunther
I'm closing this thread, since it's a duplicate of this one, let's continue there please.
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