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Holy Grail Adjustments To Strong

#1 MattT
Hey Gunther,

Love your work on LRTimelapse, amazing software!

The Holygrail wizard is amazing, but I've noticed on a number of my day to night holygrail timelapses, the adjustments that LRtimelapse is making are too strong.

The steps / brightness change that is introduced by my ramping my exposure settings aren't as big of jumps as LRtimelapse is correcting.

For example.  The before brightness values are 0.351 & 0.391, and then changed to 0.561 & 0.549.  So it pulled it down too much.

Using the sliders I've moved the bar mostly to the middle, and roated so it mirrors the bar below. 

Is there anything I'm doing wrong or could change?!

I'm not expecting the holygrail to be 100% perfect, but it almost seems too good... too strong lol.  The deflicer seems sort most things after!

#2 Gunther
The Holy Grail Adjustments will be applied by calculating correction values based on the exif data of the camera.
Not all camera/lens combinations deliver really accurate values, that's why it can happen, that those adjustments are a bit off sometimes. But this is quite normal and will be sorted out by the visual deflicker.
Another thing to take care of: please make sure that your cameras are set to change the values for exposure and ISO in 1/3 steps! (not 1/2 steps).
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#3 MattT
Cheers Gunther, much appreciated!

Yeah I seem to remember reading somewhere that it was done via exif data rather than true brightness values. I was just checking to make sure I wasn't setting the holygrail settings wrong (the three sliders).

And you're right, the deflicker does an amazing job! Yes at 1/3 step Big Grin


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