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Keyframe-related bug with v. 6

#1 Zigzag
I have a keyframe-related problem with v. 6 of LRTimelapse: every time the "Visual Previews" button is pressed, the generated pink curve has keyframe-matched dips (drops in Preview Lum and Visual Lum), occurring at the exact time of each keyframe (See the attached picture).

It never happened with versions 2-5 I have been used before with the same software setup.

I am using raw file series (.CR2) with Adobe Bridge on a Mac (macOS Monterey v. 12.4).

Please help. Thanks.
Attached Files
#2 Gunther
Often when this happens, the reason is am outdated Adobe DNG Converter. Please download and install the latest version, you will find the links on https://LRTimelapse.com/install

Please note: working with the latest DNG Converter is required, no matter, if you actually use DNG files or Raw-Files from the camera! Actually, working with the original Raw files is recommended.

Also check that you have set the correct Masks Version in the LRTimelapse Settings - it needs to correspond with the Lightroom Classic Version that you are using.

After installing the latest DNG Converter, please rebuild the visual previews and see if it's solved.
To rebuild the previews: select full sequence (cmd-a) then hold shift while clicking on save in LRTimelapse.
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#3 Zigzag
Thanks for your reply. I am using the latest version of DNG converter. After rebuilding of the preview according to your instruction, the issue remains. I suspect that it is related to the new mask functions (e.g., select sky) of the Adobe Bridge 2022 (v. 12.02.252) I am using while editing the keyframes, and these mask functions are somehow not compatible with the LRTimelapse v. 6.
#4 Gunther
Again: You need to have set the correct Masks Version in LRTimelapse, it should be set to "Masks 2.0" if you use the latest version of Adobe Camera Raw or Lightroom Classic (which offer "Masks").
Also you need to use the Masks that LRTimelapse provides upon initialization and not remove any of those or add new ones.
I'd suggest you try the workflow again, starting with "Metadata / Initialize" in LRTimelapse after double checking the Masks version in the setting. Then check out the masks in ACR and use those for editing. Also note that only simple masks can be animated, not the new AI Masks.
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