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Flickering sun problems

#1 gazcarr
Hi I have shot a number of sunrise and sunset scenes and have ran them through LRTimelapse. The scenes deflicker fine but the problem I am having is the actual sun itself flickers.the glow around the sun will flicker at the point where I have adjusted the camera.
Any ideas?
#2 Gunther
Hi, what you see as "flickering" are the blown highlights around the sun. It's pretty normal that to a certain extent the highlights around the sun can't be captured by the sensor and thus blow out. The extend of this depends from the exposure/iso etc. So you see a change when using the holy grail approach. There is technically no way to completetly get rid of this. You could try exposing more conservative to decrease the amount of highlight blowing so it's not visible and you can try tweaking the color channels in Lightroom in post but the first approach is certainly the better one.
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#3 gazcarr
Thanks for the quick reply. I edited the footage again and used less highlights. It has come out much better! I think I will use a grad filter and see if that helps.
#4 Anke
I have the same problem. Would it make sense to try a grey filter? (I don't own one, yet)
#5 Gunther
No, I don't think so. The blown highlights come from a dynamic range that exceeds that of the camera. You won't fix this with a ND-filter.
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#6 keksi
Dont you all burn down your cameras when shooting into the sun? Or just starting the shooting short time before sunset?
#7 Gunther
No, if you expose normally, usually no camera gets burned.
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