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HDR ProRes export? + Bug in LTR LrC Export Plugin

#1 HabichDo
Hello together :-)

glad to become part of this community.

Yesterday I tried LRT 7.0.7b and I really like it so far :-)
Thank you for your work.

*Bug in LRTExport for LrC.*
While using the export plugin in LrC on Mac (M3 MAX, Sonoma 14.5 installed, LrC 13.3.1) I figured that the files don't export as HDR (LRT Pro Tiff HDR preset selected), if the previous sequence exported was already exported with that preset.
Even while all settings and the export folder are shown correctly, the export tries to export to the folder without HDR and all HDR information are lost as well. (Screenshot of the Overwrite dialog just to show that it tries to export non HDR and ignores the settings)
LRT 7 only offers SDR Render on those exports then.

In LrC, open Export Dialog.
Select Preset (LRT Pro Tiff HDR).
In the right panel check "SDR" once and then "HDR" again for "Dynamic Range" in "LRTExport".
Then hit export and it exports as HDR.

*Rendering HDR after successfully exporting as HDR - not in ProRes possible?*
After the export in LrC is done, the rendering Dialog in LRT 7 opens as it should.
But there I am not able to select ProRes as Export.
No matter what else I selected. It auto selects H265 and all other Codecs are greyed out and cannot be used.

How to do that - or is this not possible atm?

I tried TIFF with and without compression.
Still can't select the codec.
Tried to export with narrow color space as of advanced settings but yeah, then HDR is not possible which makes sense.

Best wishes, D
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#2 HabichDo
Hello once again ;-)

When exporting multiple folders at once in Lightroom, the trick with switching the dynamic range to SDR and then back to HDR doesn't work. Besides that all Images are then processed sequently by LrC, all images seem to be exported as SDR, no matter if set to HDR.
#3 Gunther
I will check for the issue in the Lightroom Plugin.
HDR rendering is only supported by the H.265 codec right now. That's why it gets automatically selected.
We need to wait until ffmpeg supports HDR rendering in other codecs too.
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#4 Gunther
Quote:*Bug in LRTExport for LrC.*
While using the export plugin in LrC on Mac (M3 MAX, Sonoma 14.5 installed, LrC 13.3.1) I figured that the files don't export as HDR (LRT Pro Tiff HDR preset selected), if the previous sequence exported was already exported with that preset.
Even while all settings and the export folder are shown correctly, the export tries to export to the folder without HDR and all HDR information are lost as well. (Screenshot of the Overwrite dialog just to show that it tries to export non HDR and ignores the settings)
LRT 7 only offers SDR Render on those exports then.
This was a good find, thanks!
It will be fixed in beta 8.
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#5 HabichDo
Your always welcome :-)

Any idea if there are plans from ffmpeg on that and when?
Or an alternative (manual) way to render it to prores?

...also check out: