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hard jump in brightness

#1 superflip

I'm not pretty sure, but I think I run into a bug ... I did everything as always and following guides. - using LRtimelape 6.5.5.

What happens:
Importing, Creating keyframes, Editing them in LR and exporting Metadata in LR works well as always. After that step, see Attachment lrt-1-keyframes.
Then I'm starting Auto-Transition (hope that is right translation, I'm using german version) - looks good (see lrt-2)
After a while, I got this cut/jump into brightness - it happens exatly while a ISO switch from 100->200, which is detected correctly by lrt. (lrt-4)
I couldn't get rid of that cut. - tried to start from the beginning 3 times (deleting LR files, deleting XMP and starting from scratch)

Attached Files
#2 Gunther
I think this might have happened due to a wrong or not existent reference area for the deflicker (watch the deflicker tutorial on https://lrtimelapse.com/tutorial/basic/ ) - or some contrast flicker that Lightroom might have introduce due to too strong editing with non linear tools (like Dehaze).
Check out Expert Tips Tutorial #5 to learn about this: https://lrtimelapse.com/tutorial/expert

In any case I'd recommend to do a fresh start on the sequence - remove it from LR and do "Metadata / Initialize" in LRT. Then start over. Set a good reference area for the delicker and do the contrast editing mainly with the tone curve (insead of too much Blacks and Whites). Set the Camera Preset to "Camera Standard" instead of Adobe Color. Also avoid Dehaze and Clarity.
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#3 superflip
thanks for the fast response. My first try was with reference area - I did it 2nd and 3rd time without to check if that might fix the issue :-) - I will try to do a complete fresh start and give feedback again.

...also check out: