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HDR Timelapse - Just LRTimelapse or also PhotoMatrix ?

#1 Goldstein
Hello Gunter and everyone !

I have a few HDR timelapses I did awhile ago. (-2, 0, +2) some in RAW some in JPG.

I didn't quite understand if I need to use PhotoMatrix first to merge all the RAWs ?
Say maybe to TIFF to maintain loseless, and only then use LRtimelapse? Would that give the best effects?

As I think LRtimelapse needs to have 1 image as 1 frame and cannot deal with 3 images to combine to 1 frame or maybe I am wrong.

I have LRimage, PhotoMatrix, Bridge, AE and Premiere (I do not have Lightroom)

I am not sure if I need PhotoMatrix or not for optimal results.

Thanks a lot!!
#2 Gunther
Hi, HDR support is a bit experimental in LRTimelapse - meaning - it works but it's a bit tricky. Search for "HDR" here in the forum you will find a thread where my users and I explain how to do it.

BTW: TIFF is not directly supported in LRTimelapse, you will have to convert them to DNG with Lightroom or the Adobe DNG converter first.
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