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HDR workflow change with v3?

#11 Gunther
I'm planning to do this, yes, but it won't be until before next year.
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#12 Karel Bata
Next year is just over a week away...

OK, I know you have other things to do over Christmas. ;-)

But any idea when the improved HDR workflow will be available...?

Many thanks.
#13 KarelBata
Is this happening at all..?

I'm making a short film using extensive tone-mapping and have about 70,000 images I've been waiting to process and render. I've bought another Mac to act as a render engine (this will take a long time!) but have put it off while waiting for the LRTimelapse HDR feature to be re-instated, as obviously anything that can speed the process up would be good.

To get a sense of the look I'm after, which simply can't be got with RAW, you can check out the film's site here: The Miracle

A definitive yes/no would be much appreciated. I'm sorry to be a hassle, but I really need to know.

Thank you.
#14 Gunther
Currently I have to say no, sorry. It's just too few users using HDR for time lapse and I have to much other more important things on the list.
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#15 KarelBata
That's very disappointing.

...also check out: