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"Holly Grail" Camera Adjustments --How many per hour on average do you recommend

#1 bbkupko
Gunther/ Friends,

I have been doing some long 3 hour Holly Grail sunset shots and my method has been to increase 1 stop at each drop in ONE stop exposures. I think some of you only do 1/3 stop increase.

I am ending up with 10-15 ( 2 & 3 star ) adjustment points which can take a long time to fine tune each 2 & 3 start frames so that they look exact ( Match Tonal Exposures helps but is not 100%)
I noticed in Gunther's book and online vid that he's only doing 3 to 5 adjustments. I must have spent more than two hours on those 15 adjustments points ( key frames) I really would like to speed up my processing and only have the minimum recommended holy grail key frames

What would anyone suggest to have as a rule for the number of adjustments per hour.

Also--don't you add to the total number of adjustments by only doing 1/3 stop increases? Anyone think 1 stop is better?

Is 1/3 really the best? 1/3 of a stop loss in light happens so fast and I like being able to have at least a couple minutes to jump from "Camera A" to Camera B" and adjust.
#2 Gunther
Hi, it depends on how fast it gets dark (geographical influence) - but for my holy grails from daylight to milkyway I usually have 30 changes. In the videos I only show short examples... Wink
Adjusting normally is quick and easy with MTE - maybe you are overprocessing than it gets harder.
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