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holy grail sunset questions

#1 Getho
experienced timelapser, first time LRT user!

Followed the LRTimelapse 6 Holy Grail Tutorial (Official) video

Is it possible to step backwards in the workflow, or will that confuse things?
Is it possible to manually add a keyframe (by for instance making a frame 4 stars in LR?)

The first pass of my first QDSLR/LRT sunset is pretty good, But there is a section with overexposure: LRT keyframe wizard wanted to add more keyframes in the portion of the TL which had little change and few at the start as the sun was setting. I'd like to be able to add a keyframe at the cursor in the pic

FYI: LRT 6.5.2 b1
Attached Files
#2 Gunther
Sure, just add or remove keyframes manually with the keys 1 and 0. You cam also klick on the keyframe icon left in the table.
If course you cam also go back in the workflow. Check out the expert tips videos, especially that about reediting a seuence: https://LRTimelapse.com/tutorial/expert

Let me know if you have further questions!

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#3 Getho
thanks gunther! its impressive!

...also check out: