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How to give access to disc on Windows 10

#1 Thierry60
I just installed LRT 6 on windows 10 and LRT 6 ask me to give access to disk. How to proceed ? Thanks
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#2 Gunther
Normally, if you work on a regular User on Windows, it should provide access to the Documents folder.
If you have any Virusscanner or "Security" Software running, it might be blocking the access. Best add LRTimelapse to the Whitelist of such Programs.
You could also try to specifically run LRT as "Administrator" but usually, on a properly configured Windows, this shouldn't be necessary.
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#3 Thierry60
Thanks for your quick reply but the issue is still on going.
I can't use your product.
I gave full access to your product and i still have the same message, even as administrator.
It's the first time I use it on windows 10 because my Imac is too old apparentely on OSX High sierra 10.13.6
i am very disapointed
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#4 Gunther
Please send me the log (info menu/show log) and then let's continue this via email.
It's seems to be something very special on your computer since no one else is reporting similar issues.
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