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Light readings when using the twist trick.

#1 PhotoTime
Hi everyone,

I've started using the lens twist trick to remove flicker from my time-lapse videos.

I have however noticed that when twisting the lens the light meter changes it's reading quite considerably.

I use the histogram so can adjust to make the photos exposure properly but wondered why this happens and what people do to adjust for it.

I do cover the eye piece to stop light getting in their too.

Thanks in advance.

Nick Smile
#2 Gunther
Forget the light metering... :-)
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#3 PhotoTime
Histogram all the way then?
#4 Gunther
It's safer. You could consider going the easy and convenient way with DslrDashboard...
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#5 nerdybails
Histogram is much more reliable for what will actually be displayed on a monitor at the end of the day.
And as Gunther has said, dslrdashboard, it makes life super easy once you get used to it and trust it. It took me a bit to get it all running smoothly, but once I did, all was fantastic.

...also check out: