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#11 Gunther
@Ulli: those are older templates... I changed the names in a later version. But no worries, they are still okay ;-)
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#12 michel
Hmm, what am I doing wrong? Or is it just because of that bloody mac? :/
these are the only presets I can choose, am I right?
#13 Gunther
You could try using the PRO templates.
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#14 michel
But it can't be that everyone else gets nice results whereas mine look like I recorded that with my smartphone, can it? I'm using a 27" iMac with enough power... something's wrong.
#15 Ulli
Perhaps "everybody" uses the protemplates? ;-)
Have you tried other templates? eg with 29,97fps? Same results?

Try the pro templates - 10/12€ and you get videos up to 100Mbit/s from LR.
#16 michel
Well, I don't know actually, yes. ;-) still seems a bit weird to me. I'll see. I've tried 25fps I think and the result was the same.

...also check out: