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Loading preview, playback stops periodically

#1 mogulist
I have two computers, iMac and Hackintosh. LRTimelapse are installed at both computers.
I store raw files in Hackintosh and post process with LRTimelapse at my hackintosh, which is much faster than old iMac.

When loading previews, loading visual previews, playing video with LRTimelapse in my Hackintosh, it stops frequently. whereas same things are done very smoothly and fastly with LRTimelapse in my iMac. Since the Raw files are stored at Mackintosh, LRT in iMac is reading files at remote computer via AFT and/or SMB. 
As a result, loading previews, loading visual previews with iMac is much faster than Hackintosh. Hakintosh might be at least 1.5 time faster than iMac. I made Mackintosh recently with i7-4GHz CPU, 16GB RAM, GTX 750 Ti and iMac is late 2012. Very strange. Look at the video below.

[Video: https://vimeo.com/161475712]

Why does this happen only at my Mackintosh? 
What could cause this problem?
That kind of issue doesn't happen other applications, such as Lightroom, AfterEffects, etc.
#2 Gunther
I have no idea, something seems to be interfering there. I'm quite sure it's not a problem with LRTimelapse since it does not happen on other systems.
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Big Grin
#3 mogulist
Thanks. I do agree with you. 
I am just asking if anybody has any clue for this issue.

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