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New folder from selection not working

#1 cgelep

I've used older versions of LRTimelapse in the past and found the "New folder from selection" feature very useful. I've just purchased the LRTimelapse 4 Professional version and this feature now does not seem to work for me anymore. When I select a series of frames and try to create the new folder nothing happens.

I'm running Windows 10 and LRTimelapse 4.7.1 Pro.

Any help would be appreciated.

#2 Gunther
Hi Christoph, nothing changed for that feature. Could you please try again and send me the log file after "nothing happens" (info menu/show log).
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#3 cgelep
Hi Gunther,

Thanks for your reply. 

Sorry it actually seems to work now, I have no idea what was wrong before. 

Thanks for this great software Smile


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