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LRT (5.4 - 5.5.2) causing Blue Screen Crashes

#1 TrailEx
In recent weeks I have been getting Blue Screen crashes on my Windows 10 PC when LRTimelapse is generating visual previews and rendering final videos. I am currently using LRT 5.5.2 but I was noticing the same issue on 5.4.0 as well. The error messages I get are not helpful and seem to be different every time. The two most recent stop codes were: KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED and SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION.

The crashes do not happen right away, in fact they usually happen in the middle of the render (about 1-3 minutes of time). I have multiple windows of Microsoft Edge running concurrently when the crashes occur. When I get a crash, once the computer reboots the first thing I will usually do is reopen LRT and re-run the render before opening any other windows or programs (except Lightroom occasionally); when I do that the render usually completes without crashing. Based on that behavior, I suspect that my computer's hardware is getting overwhelmed in some way but I'm not sure how. I'm not sure if its strictly a problem with my computer or if LRT code is contributing to the problem since this is the only program that causes this to happen. I also use DaVinci Resolve and it does not cause the computer to crash when it is rendering.

EDIT: I just experienced another Blue Screen Crash after closing my Microsoft Edge browsers. The only other program I had running when I initiated the render was Lightroom.
#2 Gunther
LRTimelapse uses your processor extensively when generating visual previews. If your hardware is not full capable of handling this, it might overheat.
Often it helps to clean the fans of the computer, if they are full of dust after months/years the computer might overheat.
Please check that.
If the problems persist, go to settings/expert settings in Lrtimelapse and reduce the amount of parallel threads used. Try half the number to start with.


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