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Pro timer 3 flashlight ?

#1 djoubert
Hi Gunther,
Nice to have a larger screen !
I am wondering if this will extend the flashlight range ?
Thank you
#2 Gunther
The flashlight display is a bit larger and also there are double the pixels. But they also are a bit less bright (because the large OLED doesn't allow for that "boost" on the brightest flashlight setting that we have on the 2-5.
So at the end I guess it's no big difference. With both models I could always illuminate foregrounds that are 2-3 meters away when shooting Astro landscapes.
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#3 djoubert
Thank you Gunther for such a clear answer
#4 AdonisMcdonald
It seems to me that for there to be a large diameter of light from a flashlight, there has to be a fairly powerful flashlight.

...also check out: