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LRT uses ToneCurveName but LR uses ToneCurveName2012

#1 joesh
Been tearing my hair out for days on this one.
LRT says the ToneCurveName "Must be equal for all images!)"
It doesn't say what will happen if this is not the case.
In my experience it'll usually clear all the image adjustments for all images in the sequence. Not fun.

In LR I made sure that all my images had a Linear tone curve. I'd played with a Medium at one point but had abandoned it and overwritten all with Linear. And yet LRT kept showing Medium in about 1/3 of my images. AutoTransition would handle the sequence nicely until it hit the first Medium. Then boom. All image adjustments zeroed. Including my keyframe images. Painful.

I finally pulled out the exiftool command line interface and looked at the available ToneCurveName attributes. Turns out there are two. One of the offending images had ToneCurveName set to Medium and ToneCurveName2012 set to Linear. So LR was paying attention to the latter and LRT the former. Initializing didn't clear it either.

using exiftool to set the offending ToneCurveName attrs to Linear solved the problem.

Too bad the problem happened - still not sure why - but I wish LRT were more robust in the face of data issues like this.
#2 Gunther
Thank you for reporting this, I will fix it. Until now, obviously no one experienced those problems.
But I think there is an easy fix: just right click onto the TonCurveName table header in LRTimelapse and choose Initialize column before appying the auto transition, this should fix it.
To be honest I was not aware of the fact, that there is an ToneCurveName2012 property at all, so I will add it to the next upgrade.
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