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LRT6 creating "flickers" when none exists

#1 jlg84
I am going through some old shots to create some new timelapses and have encountered an odd problem. My images were shot as dusk fell and the night sky came into view, and for the vast majority of the night my exposure remained constant, yet when I import the images into LRT the software creates a sort of tight zigzag of exposures that creates a flicker effect when none should be there. I have tried to reset the metadata several times but each time the same thing happens and at the same points of the session. Any idea what's going on?
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#2 Gunther
I see what you mean. Are you sure that the original images doesn't show these changes in brightness?
If so please try regenerating the previews by holding Shift key and clicking on reload. This will create new previews.
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#3 jlg84
Thanks; that was very helpful indeed, the timelapse now has no flicker.

...also check out: