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LRTimelapse 6.3.0 beta 4

#1 Gunther
Hey guys, here is beta 4, and again, thanks for your feedback.

This is what's new in beta 4:

Mainly I reworked the check for new version feature. There I added a beta channel. Users will now be asked, if they want to get notified about new beta versions or not. The decision can be changed in the settings. Especially for you beta testers this will make it much easier to keep track of new beta versions.

Also I added Tooltips to the Batch progressbar, making it possible to see long filenames better by hovering over them. This was a user suggestion here in the forum: https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-bat...4#pid53374

Please note that from LRT 6.3 on there will only be one "universal" app for Mac, which bundles the native ARM/Silicon version and the native Intel version. The app will automatically detect on which platform it is running and then run natively on Intel or ARM (no emulation).

Let me know your feedback below or in a separate thread.
Thank you very much!

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#2 Cymro
Hi Gunther.
Just did 2 projects this morning and noticed the same thing, never seen it before. Once I did all the Vis Previews and deflickering I went to LR and updated previews with READ METADATA FROM FILES. In both cases the keyframe images (20 in each case) were all moved to the end of the sequence. I didn't spot it the first time until I exported and rendered the video but I spotted it at the end of the video when the 20 keyframes were incorporated into the last 20 frames. I fixed it by changing the LR sort option to FILENAME from CAPTURE TIME. I wondered if the capture time is being edited in the key frames, and it appears as though all frames in the sequence now have the same capture time. I checked some older sequences and this is not the case. The only difference in my workflow today was the version of LRT. I'm running an M1 Max MB Pro 16, using the Beta 4 'for all macs' version.

#3 Gunther
Thank you Tom, could you maybe send me 6 XMP files in a Zip to support@lrtimelapse.com
Please add 3 XMPs from Keyframes and 3 from non Keyframes
- will check this asap!
Subscribe to: LRTimelapse Newsletter, Youtube Channel, Instagram, Facebook.
#4 Gunther
Ok, I think I figured this out. Please download and try beta 5:
Subscribe to: LRTimelapse Newsletter, Youtube Channel, Instagram, Facebook.
#5 Cymro
Hi Gunther, I have sent you a series of xmp files by email

...also check out: