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LRTimelapse 6.4.0 beta 7

#1 Gunther
6.4.0 beta 7
  • Improvement: Made the detection more reliable whether DNG files consist of JPG/Tiff Data (relative Whitebalance) or Raw Data (absolute Whitebalance).
  • Improvement: Removed Metadata/Set Whitebalance Treatment - shouldn't be necessary anymore since LRT will take care of it automatically.
  • Fix: DNG files from Jpg/Tiff would not get the right Whitebalance treatment automatically, this is fixed with the two improvements above.
  • Fix: The batch progressbar table didn't show the 2nd task.
Download should happen automatically, if you have an earlier beta of LRT 6.4 installed.
If not, download from https://lrtimelapse.com/download/beta

Thanks for your feedback!
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#2 lightatwork
Thanks Gunther, the fix for the Whitebalance treatment works (Intel Mac, OS X 12.6.3)
#3 mopperle
Already noticed that in the previous beta version: When installing the update and ticking the checkbox "Run LRT..." at the end, LRT doesnt start automatically

Attached Files
#4 Gunther
Yeah, I also noticed that. It's strange, will try to analyze what's going on.
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#5 lightatwork
I don't know if this is specific to the Beta 7, but I can repeat this hang/spinning beach ball/app not responding on my Mac:

Intel Mac (iMac Pro 10-core), OS X 12.6.3
LRT 6.4.0 beta 7, Build 854

I have a large sequence (4716 images, JPG's to be specific). It has initialised completely and drawn blue luminance curve line. I have NOT clicked the Save button yet.


When I drag a rectangle in the preview window to set a specific area for luminance curve reference, it starts redrawing the luminance curve. While this is processing, I click a different image in the table window (yes I know, patience is not my greatest talent). For example, the first image was selected when I dragged the rectangle, while the new curve is processing, I click image 50 in the table view.

This causes a hang/spinning beach ball/app not responding that LRT does not recover from. Only option is to force-quit and restart LRT.
#6 lightatwork
Hi Gunther,

Another issue I see regarding the relative whitebalance issue... I am working on the same sequence as above.

Somehow the autotransition on the relative temp doesn't work. It does weird things and does not create good interpolation between keyframes. I'll send you a screenshot by email but basically I see a value of -2, going up to -3 before the keyframe. Then the keyframe itself is -12 and the next (not keyframe) images are -3 again. I've tried a couple of things.

- Trying reading/writing metadata in LR once more and retry
- forcing the column with the issues to make auto-transition by right-clicking the column heading and then "Auto Transition".

Nothing works.

So it seems that beta 7 has solved the recognition of the relative vs. absolute whitebalance, but there are still issues/bugs with the auto transition part of it.

To be completely clear, I've tried this both on my intel iMac Pro and on my Apple Silicon MBP M1 Max. Both have the same issue. In between tries I even completely cleared all the metadata, removed the sequence from LR, and started all over. No luck...

...also check out: