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LRTimelapse 7.2 beta 1

#1 Gunther
Hey guys, this is the first beta of LRTimelapse 7.2 with new features, improvements and also fixes.

Based on some user feedback, I've brought back the simple deflicker (from the basic workflow in LRT6 and older versions). It's located in the toolbar above the table next to the "remove deflicker" button.

This "simple deflicker" gets calculated based on the camera previews and is not as powerful than the visual deflicker (which is based on the visual previews, after editing). The good thing about the simple deflicker is, that it won't take any time to be calculated. That means, you can just apply it right before the "Save" at the end of the first workflow row and it will apply a basic deflickering which might save time later because the visual deflicker will only need to do some refinements to that simple deflicker, instead of doing "all the work".

Please try it and give me your feedback!

Also LRTimelapse won't set the Camera Standard Profile anymore for cameras where Adobe doesn't support such a profile. And now you have the option to even set a custom default profile in the Settings.

Please test all this and give me your feedback. Please open up a new thread for each of your findings here in the beta forum! Thanks a lot!
  • Feature: Added "Simple Deflicker" to the toolbar. This allows you to apply a simple deflicker based on camera previews to your sequence. This is the legacy Deflicker that was included in the Basic Workflow in older LRT versions, but had been removed in LRT7. Due to the demand of some users that use LRT mostly for long term and construction timelapses, I've added it back. It's just a button on the toolbar now, best apply it right after keyframe creation and setting a reference area.
  • Feature: On initialization, LRTimelapse will now by default omit setting the camera profile to "Camera Standard" for Raw files of Cameras for which Adobe doesn't provide such a profile.
  • Feature: Added Setting to define a Custom Camera Profile to Settings/Color Management. This allows to override the Camera Profile that LRTimelapse sets on initialization. Note that the best results for timelapse are usually achieved with the default "Camera Standard" profile which Adobe provides for Nikon, Canon, Sony and Panasonic.
  • Feature: Added Setting to disable automatic directory watching (might be useful on very slow drives and large directory structures). You can then of course refresh the directory chooser manually via right mouse button on a folder and "Reload folder structure".
  • Improvement: Version check considers version numbers and not only build numbers. This makes it possible form me to release hotfixes for older versions with later build numbers.
  • Improvement: Removed NoD3D version of the launcher, the new launcher should work on all graphics hardware now.
  • Fix: Batch progress panel too big in some cases, will now better adapt to preview size and main window size.
  • Fix: Translation fixes, especially in Chinese version.
  • Fix: Folder not folded out wouldn't properly show the block status when batch operations had been launched on the parent folder.

PS: The beta will be auto downloaded if you have subscribed to the beta channel in the LRTimelapse settings! Of course you can also download it manually via https://lrtimelapse.com/download/beta
Subscribe to: LRTimelapse Newsletter, Youtube Channel, Instagram, Facebook.

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