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Ignore other images within a folder

#1 upthinklab
What is the best way to select only a specific group (sequence) of images from within a single folder? I have my RAW files organized on a day by day basis. Within a single day, I have multiple time-lapse sequences within a single folder for each day. How can I prevent LRTimelapse from importing and prepping all of the shots? When I select unwanted shots and remove them, LRTimelapse physically deletes the files... not good!

Thanks in advance for the tips and advice.

#2 Anke
I create subfolders for each sequence. Would love to hear how others do it.

#3 upthinklab
(2012-03-22, 02:25)Anke Wrote: I create subfolders for each sequence. Would love to hear how others do it.

Thanks for your input. If that's the only solution, I can take the time to organize into sub-folders. My situation is a little more complicated by the fact that over a years worth of shots are already organized within Lightroom 3. If I begin shifting sequences into new folders, I'll have to spend the time re-linking all of the LR3 catalogs.

It would be great if the LRT user could simply select the first and last frame within Lightroom to specify the full sequence as the first step before entering LRT application.
#4 Gunther
Timelapse edititing in LRTimelapse and Lightroom is designed to work with one sequence per folder. Everything else will get you into trouble.
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