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LRTimelapse misordered 4 images of my Hyperlapse sequence

#1 meggyshootsRAW
Hi all,

So i imported this straight from explorer into LRTIMELAPSE and noticed a weird flicker in the sky, turns out 4 images were out of order... not sure how this happened considering i didnt change the filenames from my Mavic 2. As you can see in the screenshot they are out of order which causes the sky to flicker back in forth for 4 frames. Anyway to manually reorder them? or any other solutions would be greatly appreciated!

As you can see 0067 - 0072 is the problem area.

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#2 meggyshootsRAW
PARTIALLY SOLVED.... I still don't know why when sorted by filename that it misorders the sequence(FYI I reloaded everything into LR and Lr misordered them too), but my solution was to order by time and that put the frames in the correct order. However when auto transitioning, LRTIMELAPSE will switch it back to sort by filename which is strange. Instead of creating auto transition using the time based ordering.
#3 Gunther
LRTimelapse will by default sort by Capture Date/Time. It will only switch to Filename sort, if if can't find date/time information in one or more images. Please double check in the table. If there are images with corrupted metadata, you should remove them.
At the end it's important that Lightroom and LRTimelapse are set too the correct sort order.
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#4 meggyshootsRAW
Thanks Gunther! Yea there must have been some corrupt metadata... strange, thanks for the tip!

...also check out: