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LRTimelapse Pro Timer Sony A6400

#1 Tegels
Just a small and easy question. Will the Pro Timer work with my Sony A6400?
#2 Gunther
Any camera that supports being triggered by an external intervalometer via Wire, it will work (so yes).
If you go to Amazon.com via my link on the release cables page: https://lrtimelapse.com/lrtpt/camera-release-cables/
it will be the cable "S8" for your camera.
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#3 Tegels
Thnx for your quick response!
#4 Tegels
Unfortunately, the S8 cable is not in stock at Amazon.de.... At Amazon.com they won't deliver it to my address in the Netherlands. Are there alternative cables?
#5 Gunther
That's the default Sony cable, any photo supplier should have it. It looks like an usb-connector that is a bit longer. On the other side it's the default TRS plug.
There are loads of them on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3bGuocp

PS: Please don't crosspost the same question in different posts.
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