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Can't use free version

#1 pisit38
I download last version of LRTimelapse but after it install, it ask me about license. How can I solve this problem or need to buy to use the program?
#2 Gunther
The current version is 4.7.4 and of course you can use it for free.
Please make sure that you have installed that version from http://lrtimelapse.com/download
Make sure your computer clock is set to the right date and time too, otherwise LRTimelapse might show an error like you experienced.
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#3 pisit38
It should be dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd ?
#4 pisit38
Update I can use it now, I have change date format from Thai to English
#5 Gunther
Perfect, I guess it got confused with the different year...
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