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MBP reduce contrast&saturation on whole footage?

#1 Willyao814
I totally understand the fact that MBP reduce contrast&saturation on the first couple of frames, depending on the strength of the MBP setting was, but only until recently i noticed that the reduction is noticable on the whole footage... had to turn it completely off to get the exact same color as my original jpegs...what's wrong? I don't think i had this problem before. Any idea?
See attachment for comparison, Thanks in advance!

HQ is MBP off
HQ+ is MBP set to low.
#2 Gunther
Motion Blur Plus slightly affects the Contrast. The higher the setting, the more it does. This is how it works, you can choose how strong you set the MBP setting, depending on your footage.
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#3 Willyao814
Well... i think the attachment image doesnt really show the actual differences, but anyway, i didn't realize there is such a big change until recently upgrading to lrt4,so i'm wondering is there anything about MBP that has been changed during the lrt3 to lrt4 upgrade? Pretty curious to know. Thanks!
#4 Gunther
No, I didn't change anything in MBP from LRT3 to LRT4. I usually use the Medium Setting by default usually experience no quality bad effects when doing so. But it might depend on the footage you are processing.
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