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Metadata from LR disappears after clicking autotransition

#1 Novelectro
Hi Gunther,

As I mentioned in the other thread, I'm using QDDB now and did a sunset tonight.  What's bizarre is that I'm saving my metadata from LR after editing keyframes (I'm editing the LRT4 KF + HG) and that new metadata (shows up in LRTimelapse when I click reload, but as soon as I click autotransition, all of the new metadata disappears.  I'm only left with the basics (preview lum, visual lum, interval, etc.). 

Do you know why this might be happening?
#2 Gunther
Disappearing might be normal... Columns with equal values will be hidden in the table by default, please check if the values are really gone by removing the tick above the table that says "Hide equal columns" this will show you all values. Check the columns of the tools that you've changed in Lightroom, they should be there.

If not, here is a faq post that will help you with troubleshooting: http://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-keyf...vise-versa
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#3 Novelectro
Gunther, Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure why that was happening because it seems to have just resolved on its own. I've actually got a couple other questions for you but they're not relevant so will start a new topic.

...also check out: