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Moving images to LightRoom

#1 Teuvo
So I've watched the videos outlining the work flow but have a bit of an issue. 

When I drag the images to put into Lighroom from LRTL Lightroom automatically reads where those images came from on my drive and says they are already imports or another words won't let me import them again? 

Any ideas? 

Thank you so much.
#2 Gunther
If the folder is already in Lightroom, then remove it Lightroom first from the catalog, then drag again.

Another option would be to not drag/import at all in that case, instead select all images in grid view and go to "Metadata->Read Metadata from files". This will bring in the LRTimelapse editing too.

BTW: Both ways are outlined in my instructions: http://lrtimelapse.com/workflow
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