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Multi-core processing on Mac not using assigned cores?

#1 lightatwork
Hi Gunther,

Thank you and congrats on the new LRT 7. I bought the new license straight away and started testing. One thing I notice it that it seems that on my Mac (Studio M2 Ultra) not all the cores are actually used as assigned in the settings. When generating visual previews, I used to see a large number of instances of the converter in my dock but now I only see 4 or 5 simultaneously. My settings are set to make 16 (as recommended) parallel subprocesses for visual previews and internal rendering. I restarted LRT after changing the settings (when prompted).

I don't know if this is related, but also initialising sequences seems slower than in LRT6.

LRT 7 beta 3 (952)
Mac OS X 14.5
Mac Studio M2 Ultra

Regards, Jorrit
#2 Gunther
Hi Jorrit, I test on Mac Silicon here all the time and multiple cores are being used as configured.
Check out the settings, I recommend to not set them higher than the recommendation that LRT gives.
Also check the log file, there you should see how many processes LRTimelapse uses. If in doubt, send it to me (info menu / show log).
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#3 lightatwork
The only errors I see repeatedly in the log is the following:

2024-05-31 17:08:31 [ERR] Error processing Watch Event ENTRY_CREATE on /Users/jorritlousberg/02 LONG INBOX/240101 TL Gem Amsterdam De Mirandabad/LR TL De Mirandabad/LR TL De Mirandabad-v13-3 Previews.lrdata
................... [ERR] Cannot invoke "rla.I()" because "a" is null
................... [ERR] aja.I(erc:165)
................... [ERR] aja.run(erc:247)
................... [ERR] java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
................... [ERR] java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
................... [ERR] java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
................... [ERR] java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
................... [ERR] java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

The file path in the first line differs, but the rest repeats itself, a couple of times today. No idea if this is something to be concerned about. If you want, I can send you the whole log file.

When starting a visual deflicker job, I saw the expected behavior with many more render jobs in my dock, so perhaps it was just a glitch from starting up or initialising too many large (2000+) jpg sequences.
#4 Gunther
You can ignore that error message in the log, I will have removed that in the next beta.
Please keep observing and if you find anything else, let me know!
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