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#1 fingo
Hello there,

I have 2 questions here and one of them is for the new update.

First off, there is 4 icons on the top left corner in LRT (mac). What are the 3 on the right are for? Especially the zoom, was never able to figure out what it does except turn the preview a redish color.

Then the new update. In LRT5 I was able to change the quality of the preview when working on the images (selecting/deleting) to about 1080 or even higher so I wouldn't miss small details. Now updating to LRT6, the quality went back to original and can't find where I've previously turn it up and I would like to bring it back to that high quality.

I'm doing about 70 long term timelapses every year and I gotta say that LRT is very helpful for 1-3 year timelapses with over 40000-70000 images. The only downside there is is that we shoot in jpeg since we would fill the SD cards to quickly in Raw and I can't really do anything with lightroom so I have to go threw after effect and premiere pro to make the best timelapses.

Thank you,
#2 Gunther
If you hover with your mouse over any element in LRTimelapse, you will see a "ToolTip" a brief description of what that element does.
The 4 Buttons on the top left are:
1) Pop out preview
2) Show Crop Overlay (if you set a crop in Lightroom, it will draw a rectangle to visualize it)
3) Show Preview Image (toggles the preview on and off - just in case you would like to have a better view on the curves)
4) Zoom - will draw the curves for a selection only. If you have a very long sequence then you can select a couple of hundred images and you will see the curve only for those selected images. This is also very important when working with the long term filters (explained in the long term tutorial).

Preview Quality cannot be changed anymore, it will always be the default resolution (to increase the performance). LRTimelapse is not the tool to judge the previews. This is better done in Lightroom.
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