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#1 bnaden

I love your Northern Skies time-lapse.  I notice that you are using the Nikon D810 as one of the cameras.  I assume you shot the Northern Skies using an intervalometer and full frame for the D810 frames.

Do you use the D810 with Qdslrdashboard?  If so, what settings do you use (frame size, dark time).  Also what intervalometer do you use that has a removable cable?  You recommended an intervalometer a while back that did not require the hack.  Unfortunately I can't remember the name of the intervalometer or find your post Sad  Is there a cable for the D810 for that unit?    

I'm considering the Nikon D500 -- do they give you early releases to test?  Thanks.

#2 Gunther
HI Barbara, the intervalometer I use and recommend is the pixel timer, I've a link in this article: http://lrtimelapse.com/news/intervalometer-hack/
You can buy it with a cable for the D810 or just get the cable separately.
I didn't use tha D810 that much for time lapse, because of the big images. They take a long time to transfer to qDDB too. Using the DX crop helps. The Dark time depends on your setup.
After the first trip to norway I've sold the D810 and bought another D750 - its better in terms of low light performance and handling for me.

I'm not getting anything from Nikon, but I've preordered a D500.
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