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Nikon & iOs -other smartphone-based ramping solution than QdslrDashboard?

#1 deRichie
Hi there,
is there another ramping solution based on a smartphone for an iOs-user?
The app qdslrDashbord has been missing for about a year now, and I‘m groing tired of waiting for it to return, mostly because there‘s no feedback from the author about an estimated time of return. There was talk about negotiations with apple in late 2017 and early 2018, but there‘s been no news ever since.
Though I used the app once on a borrowed android-phone, I was really keen on using it, but the return to the AppStore seems not to take place.
Any help?

Thanks in advance

#2 Gunther
Please write directly to Zoltan. He might have a solution.

Other apps are currently in beta, but not finished yet.

Another option would be the timelapse plus view, but since it's a hardware solution is much more expensive.
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#3 deRichie
Hi Gunther,
thanks for your quick reply.
I will ask again in the open thread in the qddb-forum.
I believe I‘d rather get an older but still working android device just for the fotography part than buy a hardware solution, though it‘s just a situational thing to me.

Please enjoy your trip to Culombia and bring nice pictures Smile

Gruß aus Dinslaken

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