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#1 nickneykov
Hi, Gunther.
I shot my firs sequence with my Nikon Z8.
But have the following problem.
When I load the images from the sequence into the program and select KeyFrames, the data is not saved to the .xlt file.
Then when I pressed the SAVE button, the program looped.
If I convert the photos through the DNG converter, everything works normally.
Any advice?
Nikolay Neykov
#2 Gunther
I shoot with a Z 8 myself and there are no issues at all with LRTimelapse and the original NEF files. Did you install the very latest Adobe Dng Converter? Please do, Link on https://LRTimelapse.com/install
Also check the Date/Time on your camera. You cannot have it set to the future compared to the Time on your computer. Both need to be in sync.
Then try again. If the problem persists, please send the log (info menu).
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#3 nickneykov
Thanks, Gunther,
I try this.
#4 nickneykov
Hi Gunther
You were right, the date was incorrect.
Thank you so much for the tip and for the beautiful product you have made!
Regards and beautiful photos and videos.
#5 Gunther
Glad we could solve your problem! Enjoy!
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