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#1 alexanderwidding

Im trying out LRT deflicker option, after trying again and again to make a time-lapse video something goes wrong every time, something goes wrong in the end when i read the metadata in to all the files, in the beginning the images look very good, and then VERY dark, its strange cause the set of images have smooth exposures and there are hardly any difference in the amount of light in the images, the only thing i can imagine is wrong is that i cannot find the DEFINE REF AREA button in the menu. I have tried to just select an area and click deflicker but I'm not sure if that enough. Do anyone know where my button is, is it removed? FYI i currently only have the trial version, not sure if that matters.

Thx in advance

Best regards Alexander in Oslo
#2 Gunther
The button has been removed because you just set the are by click and drag into the preview.
If you original sequence does not flicker, just don't use deflicker at all!

It might help, if you post a screenshot of the preview with the curves for us to be able to help you.
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#3 alexanderwidding
Thx for your reply, I will go through the process one more time and see if there are anything I've done wrong. There is some flicker, but not much, I usually shot manually, but this time i forgot to turn of the active d light option in my camera, so i guess thats why there are some flicker. I will get back to you if i get stuck. Thx for your reply. Cheers from Oslo
#4 Gunther
Active D-Lightning will only affect JPGs, if you shoot RAW, it will only affect the previews.
The problem here is, that LRTimelapse uses that previews as reference for deflickering. So if you had Active D-Lightning on, then deflickering might in fact introduce flicker to the raws, because the previews are flickering due to the ADL, and the RAWs not!

So - even if you shoot RAW, please take care to turn off ADL! (best leave it off all the time, it just does not make sense...)
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#5 alexanderwidding
Aha, i understand, will keep it of at all time from now then, thx. BTW will you ever introduce a monthly license fee for your software? I really wanna get the Pro edition but at the moment i do not afford it. I monthly fee for using your program would make things so much better for and maybe others also? Make a poll on your Facebook page and check if people are interested, just a suggestion Smile

Best regards Alexander

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