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No suitable image sequence found - unable to render timelapse

#1 superskareb

I am using version 5.8 of LRTimelapse and i dont have lightroom as well, hence i am using Adobe bridge/photoshop to process the raw files/modify .XMP data.

I have used Adobe bridge to export all the .DNG raw files to .JPEG however LRTimelapse does not want to render the video, it keeps saying no suitable image sequence found, this is strange because all images have already been named in sequence, i am not sure what is going on??

Can someone please help me out here.
#2 Gunther
LRTimelapse 5 is out of support. I recommend upgrading to LRTimelapse 6, which has also a Workflow that works without Lightroom. Also the renderer will accept image sequences with arbitrary naming.
You can find discounted upgrades here: https://lrtimelapse.com/upgrade/
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