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LR Timelapse 3.1 bounces in dock once then nothing

#1 Grahame
Installed latest version and working fine (rendering ect) to begin with, tonight try to start and the app bounces once in dock then nothing... tried remove/re-install with no luck, updated java again, no luck.

any ideas?

#2 Gunther
Which Os? Which version? If on mac check the console output (log) maybe it gives you a hint. Did you try with right mouse/open?
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#3 Grahame
(2013-08-29, 17:42)gwegner Wrote: Which Os? Which version? If on mac check the console output (log) maybe it gives you a hint. Did you try with right mouse/open?

Latest osx in use, yep tried right click open and shift open, no luck.
Will look at the console output tonight and see if any errors are thrown up. Cheers.
#4 Gunther
Try deleting all instances of LRTimelapse, empty the trash as well, then install the latest from the downloaded DMG to your applications folder.
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#5 Grahame
deleted all instances, emptied recycle bin and downloaded new installer... installed and same thing - bounces once and thats it.

console reports the following string:

30/08/13 11:38:16.178 PM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[178]: ([0x0-0x580580].lrtimelapse.LRTimelapseApp[5565]) Exited with code: 1
#6 Gunther
Maybe there is something wrong with your java install.
Please check out this thread for some tips:
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...also check out: