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Partly cloudy/partly sunny and deflicker

#1 pcalvin
In a sequence shot on a partly sunny or partly cloudy day how can one best deal with the deflickering in LRTimelapse? With the exposure set for the sunny frames, and the clouds passing overhead, casting shadows over all or most areas of the frame, won't the defickering be affected? That is, will LRTimelape see the shadows as flicker and try to compensate? I am thinking that it will try to increase exposure for frames that are shaded by the clouds. It is hard to find an area in the frame to choose as a reference for deflickering that won't be in shadow for part of the sequence. Or does one choose an area that remains in shadow in all the frames if possible? Do you just have to go back, frame by frame, and adjust as needed?


#2 Gunther
That's what the smoothing slider is for. If you have parts sunny, parts cloudy turn on deflicker and watch the green curve. That will be the reference - so no, unless you set the smoothing too high or check "constant" - LRTimelapse will respect that "wanted" changes in lightning and only get rid of the unwanted flickering. Check it out, learn to read the curves: http://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-how-...red-curves
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