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"Preview Lum" performance

#1 ReMAG
Hi there!

While I'm using LRT a lot and found it extremely helpful, I need advice how to speed up some part of the process. Is it possible to get the "Preview Lum" line calculated in multi-thread way? Sometimes it takes too much time just to preview the sequence while waiting for its completion.
Thanks in advance!

#2 Gunther
Hi Andrii, I think what you are talking about is the initial extraction of the camera previews. If the camera stores the files with proper previews that will be very fast. Only if you work with a camera, where no previews are embedded in the raws (very rare), this might take some time.
Which type of files from which camera are you working with?

Also, if you are going to work with Visual Previews later, you might just ignore the extraction of the camera previews. Just create your keyframes, save and drag to Lightroom. No need to wait for the camera previews.
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#3 ReMAG
Last time this happened with RAW files taken by GoPro 8 camera (*.gpr files). Processing speed was like 2-3 frames per second.

I agree this part can be skipped, but sometimes it could be useful to preview the sequence prior to decide import it to Lightroom.
#4 Gunther
Those files are basically DNG files, but unfortunately they do no contain any preview information. That's why LRTimelapse needs to demosaic (develop) the DNG files in order to get a preview, which is quite slow. Any decent raw file, even from full grown DSLRs with 50MP will be much faster to process (and of course deliver much better quality).
This is a problem with the way, GoPro creates its so called "Raw" files.
For advanced timelapse work, GoPros are not the best cameras.
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#5 ReMAG
I'd say GoPro doesn't provide the best quality, but under some circumstances is the only applicable camera I can imagine.
At the end I'm happy with the results, the only thing - sometimes I need to wait quite long to preview the sequence, while my CPU utilization is bouncing around 3%.

I would appreciate if you treat this like a feature request. I believe there are also other scenarios exist even except GoPro, that lead to the same case, and the overall user experience could be increased at this point.
#6 Gunther
I'll move it to the feature requests forum.
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#7 ReMAG

...also check out: